Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Bike Wise Day

We were supposed to be having a bike wise day today (Wednesday).  It was cancelled because of the rain, so will now hold it on Friday. We bring our bikes and helmets to school and take part in fun activities that will be set out on the school field, such as:
Slow Bike Race
Circuit which includes weaving between road cones, riding under the high jump pole, riding along a wooden plank
Riding a figure of 8
Riding around tight U shapes and then winding through cones
We will attach some photos from the day.

Wow, what a fun day we had.  Some of the senior students (Year 6) came out and gave us a hand as well.  They were great - checking our helmets for us, helping us with activities.  The slow bike race was really funny - very difficult though because you needed great balance so you didn't fall off.
We hope you enjoy the photos.

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