Thursday 17 February 2011

Wanaka A & P Show Art

This year we have two swan plants in our classroom and are eargerly watching the caterpillars grow and change.  This is an amazing process so we decided to work this around our Show art this year.
First we ruled our page into three pieces.  We then picked one part of the life cycle and drew this same picture into two of the spaces.  One we left as a sketch and the other we coloured with pastel.  Finally, in the remaining space we drew another part of the life cycle, also leaving this as a sketch. 
You will see our work if you look at the slide show above this post. 
Hope you enjoy our awesome creations.

Welcome Back

Welcome back to all the students and families in Room 15 this year.  We have a busy term ahead and hope to share our learning and achievements with you all.
We are all pleased to be back in our new school and to catch up with everyone that we didn't see over the holidays.  Everyone seems to have grown, must be all that good sunshine we had over the summer.