Friday, 21 June 2013

Myths on New Zealand Native Birds

During inquiry last term in groups of 4 we had to write a myth about a New Zealand native bird.  We each drew a scene from our myth, then one member of the group read the myth onto Audacity.  We then put the pictures and narration onto Moviemaker.
Look at some of our results.         We are very proud of them  -   let us know what you think!!!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Elgregoe - You've Got the Power

On Friday we went to watch Elgregoe.  The show tells students about key values to help them learn how to treat others, with a strong message about not bullying.
Be Helpful, Encouraging, Respectful and look for Opportunities - and you too can be a HERO.
Use Integrity and Kindness.
Elgegoe and his wife Sue use magic tricks, puppets, stories and even some live birds and a rabbit
to get their message across.
We are still wondering how he performed those tricks!!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Teacher Only Day

Remember it is Teacher Only Day on Tuesday, 18 June 2013.  Please remember not to come to school on that day.

Matt and Rocket

Last Friday we had a visit from Matt Gunn and his dog Rocket from Aspiring Avalanche Dogs.  He talked to the school about how to approach a strange dog, explained dog body language and being responsible on the snow.
Rocket is a 3 year old Collie-cross and has been training as an avalanche dog since he was 8 months old.

Pirate Day

Wanaka Primary School was overrun today with pirates, from teachers to students they were everywhere.  Some looked very wicked indeed.  This is what Room 14 looked liked dressed as pirates.